#Cyberpunk New Release: Introducing Darkside Seattle

I’m tired.

Between the start of a new school year, a bunch of conventions, finalizing a few projects, and driving a lot (still! again!), September has been quite a month. Here’s the cool thing I’ve been working on for a while without saying one effing word about it:

Ladies and gentlemen, meet my new cyberpunk novella series. Darkside Seattle is a character-driven series of origin stories depicting a grim, cybered future full of complex people who want to be good guys. Government surveillance is cranked up to 11, the rich are very rich, and the poor eat PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCT.

Hideo had everything–a beautiful wife and daughter, a penthouse suite, and a career as a highly skilled surgeon. Emphasis on “had”. Now he’s stuck where no one wants to be: Darkside Seattle. Crumbled buildings, broken roads, and failed lives litter his struggle to find a way out of this mess.

Now available on Amazon!

I plan for this series to have 8 novellas and at least 2 novels over the next few years. It has supplanted Chowndie, the book that may never be, in my priority list. I still hope it can come together, but I’ve accepted the fact it’s just not working. But this series is. With luck, I’ll have the second installment this winter, and both Spirit Knights book 4 and The Greatest Sin book 5 this spring.

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